BASE has a small office of it’s own at Kaikhali, Kolkata. Along with an office room we have a small meeting room too where around 50 people can sit and conduct meetings. There we organise many meetings, lectures, small events and so on. The office has all basic amenities along with Wi-Fi internet connectivity and projection facility at the meeting room. The whole office and surrounding areas are being covered with CCTV.

BASE has a small library. In normal time, the meeting room is used as a community reading space where students from nearby areas come and study. If they face difficulties to understand something in their studies, BASE Office staffs and others present there help those students to clear their doubts too. 

So, along with daily office activities, BASE office also functions as a meeting room, community library and a place to sit together for normal discussions. In extreme need, we also allow students visiting Kolkata from districts for academic purposes to stay one night or so. 

So, from every possible ways we are trying our best to make use of the office space. Hope people will continue supporting these empowering activities.